Quinn Henoch is an internationally recognized Doctor of Physical Therapy, author, and speaker. He is located in Southern California, and his practice focuses on providing evidence-based rehab to athletes of all levels. He is also the founder of ClinicalAthlete, which is a Directory and Forum full of healthcare providers and coaches who successfully integrate the worlds of sports medicine, rehab, and performance. It is through ClinicalAthlete that Quinn travels around the world providing continuing education courses to clinicians and coaches. He has also recently authored his first book, Weightlifting Movement Assessment & Optimization, which focuses on improving positioning for the snatch and clean & jerk.
Quinn Henoch and fellow ClinicalAthlete Providers pride themselves on "walking the walk". Quinn played American Football at the DI-AA level at Valparaiso University from 2006-2009. From there, he dabbled in competitive Powerlifting and CrossFit; before ultimately settling on his love for the sport of competitive weightlifting, which he has trained for exclusively since 2011.
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