There is nothing more fun than debating the use of bands and chains for the Big 3 Powerlifting Movements (Squat, Bench, and Deadlift). I competed in an era where almost everyone used bands...
The rate of force development(RFD) is one of the most misunderstood measures of physiology for both researchers and coaches. I spent last week combing through the research, and there was...
This is the most common debate in the strength world especially of late with CrossFit introducing the deadlift to people that otherwise...
This is the first installment of a series I am looking forward to, ‘The Great Debates of Powerlifting’. In this week’s episode, I tackle the infamous box squat. Enjoy!
We went ahead and recorded a new Roundtable on VBT with @jbryanmann, @coachtravismash @spencergarnold and @antonio_squillantecscs.
This is not your average "what is VBT and...
End Range Plyometrics
What a great Roundtable we had on Knee Position and Science.
Here is Travis and Pat discussing end range isometrics:
- Why end range isometrics are effective for...
- I'd love to know what are those other models in your whether sprint body mechanics system that you believe to be true or have seen to be true.
- Derek, if we keep that same order.
This is a part of our Velocity Based Training Roundtable with Dr Bryan Mann, Travis Mash and Evan Lawton from Gymaware.
- So would you still use RPE or RIR with VBT or VBT covers that,...
In this video, Dr Mike Israetel talks about how to assess fatigue for your hypertrophy goals.
This is part 1 of the first day of our NYC live event.
Here are the show notes for the Day1 Part1:
50% Complete