Spencer Arnold talks about the importance of setting up properly for the power position in the clean.
If you don't get this, right, You can't get anything, right. So if I do everything...
Dr. Ben House talks about the most important variable of muscle hypertrophy: mechanical tension.
The king is mechanical tension. Nothing else supersedes this. Mechanical tension,...
Coach Chris explains how slow eccentrics can benefit the training of a beginner lifter by improving technique.
Each type of contraction has it’s own benefits. So, for...
Dr. Long explains the importance of the adductor muscles in the squat and their impact on knee valgus in beginners vs. experienced athletes.
Now, one of the squat faults we did talk...
Dr. Neslon talks about some of the implications on health and performance of the very popular ketogenic diet.
You can make an argument for using periods of ketosis, possibly, for...
Dr. House explains the concept of cognitive oversight as it applies to nutrition.
The food environment that we have right now is so different from what we evolved in. So there is an...
Matthew Ibrahim talks about the importance of involving the athlete in the process and how it can help both the coach and the athlete achieving their goals.
Transcript :
Involving the athlete...
Dr. Mann explains how he incorporates velocity based training into the different phases of an annual training plan.
So, some people want to talk about integrating VBT into an...
Greg Muller talks about the importance of having a « growth » mindset to be succesful in sports and in life.
« Growth mindest, that person...
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